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Ten million-dollar tech jobs!

The Dhaka Times Desk The current age is the age of technology, now there is a huge demand for manpower with knowledge of technology related work all over the world. And by utilizing this demand, the people of less developed countries like us can improve their condition.


There is no dearth of work if you know about technology. Job opportunities are always open for international organizations in their respective countries. recently A survey of the world's highest-paying jobs has come out in a report. According to its data, the most valuable skills in the technology sector worldwide are programming and data entry skills! Some jobs in these sectors are so expensive that the average income is more than one hundred thousand dollars a year or 77 million taka!

meanwhile the president Shravan Goli Said our analysis report will help people who want to work in technology to make decisions. Here is how much a job costs in the technology sector.”

The survey revealed that the highest earners are those who work with the programming language “R”. R is a statistical programming language. It is popular all over the world. As a result, the value of the work of those who work with this language is the highest! They earn an average of more than 1 lakh 15 thousand dollars a year all over the world, which is about 86,25,000 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka!


Now let's find out which jobs have made it to the top ten:

1) “R”

It's a programming language! It needs to be analyzed statistically.

Veterans from this profession earn an average of $9,627! Which is 7,22,068 Taka in Bangladeshi Taka per month.

2) NoSQL

It is a data collection and database technology system.

NoSQL veterans earn an average of $9,566 in this occupation. Which is 7,17,475 Taka in Bangladeshi Taka as per month.

3) MapReduce

It is also a programming language that works with large volumes of data!

Experienced professionals in this profession earn an average of $9,533! Which is 7,14,975 taka in Bangladeshi taka monthly.

4) PMBook

This is a special guide to project management.

Experts on PMBok earn an average of $ ! Which is 7,02,387 Taka per month in Bangladeshi Taka.

5) Cassandra

This is an open source data management!

Those who work here earn an average of $9,365! Which is 7,02,387 Taka per month in Bangladeshi Taka.

6) Omnigraffle

This is a diagrams, charts, illustrations, and graphics app!

Experienced professionals earn an average of $9,253! Which is 6,93,993 taka per month in Bangladeshi taka.

7) Pig

It is a data analysis tool.

Those skilled at Pig earn an average of $9,130! Which is 6,847.56 taka per month in Bangladeshi taka.

8) Service Oriented Architecture

It is a software that can be used to build a network between computers!

Those who are good at this subject earn an average of $9,083! Which is 6,81,231 taka per month in Bangladeshi taka.

9) Hadoop

This is an open source data management and storage software!

Experienced professionals earn an average of $9,055! Which is equal to 6,79,181 rupees a month! 679181.25

10) MongoDB

It is an open source document database.

Those who are skilled in this subject earn an average of $8,985! Which is 6,73,906 taka in Bangladeshi taka per month.

This is the highest paying technology job in the world right now. So you have to decide now whether you will invest in these job training. Because these jobs are in great demand and great financial gain!

Source: BusinessInsider

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