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A student made artificial flowers with 3D-Printer that can bloom! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently, 3D-Printer is becoming a very popular topic in the technology world. Various things are being made with 3D-printer. This time, an American student made a special type of flower with a 3D-printer that can bloom like a real flower!


New York school student Richard Clarkson has created a special type of flower with a 3D-printer. Richard Clarkson created it as his science project. He used different materials to create his project in one printer! He has combined different quantities and elements in different parts of the flower. The lower part of the flower is completely hard and the upper part is gradually softened.

Richard Clarkson has used different colors in his flower project. He has used material called Tango Black on the outer petals of the flower and colored material on the inside. As a result, when the flower blooms, it looks amazing.


Richard Clarkson had to use a variety of flexible materials to create this blooming and blooming project. Richard Clarkson has researched these issues for a long time. In fact, Richard Clarkson has put a lot of space inside the petals of this flower. Whereas when air is given from outside, it swells inside and thus the flower is seen in full bloom. As the air gradually enters the flower, it transforms from a flower to a full flower which looks really amazing.

Check out the details in the video below:

Source: The Tech Journal

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