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Controversial writer Taslima Nasrin blamed three women for her refugee status!

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen told the media that three women have made her life miserable). And these three women are none other than the two leaders of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina, Khaleda Zia and Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee.

Exiled Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasrin adresses journalists during press conference in a FNAC book..

In an interview with Indian media, Taslima spoke directly about her current position and who is responsible for her. Although Taslima Nasreen is a Bangladeshi writer, she has been living in exile from Bangladesh for quite some time. He sometimes came to Calcutta, India, but started living permanently in Delhi due to the restrictions of fanatical Muslims there.

Taslima claimed to be a victim of the vote politics of the two countries and said, 'I am a victim of the dirty politics of the votes of the leaders of the two countries. In response to my writing, two Muslim communities in Bengal want me to leave the country and to please those people for their votes, the leaders forced me to leave the country without providing security.

Taslima claims, “I have always written for women in my writings but unfortunately in both countries of my culture women are in power. Still they are not giving me security. Basically for no one else but for them I am a country.”

Taslima Nasreen said, "I see no more hope for Bangladesh, no hope of going back there." But I feel the city of Kolkata very much, want to go there because I have a cultural bond with Kolkata. But it is now unsafe for me to go there! I know that Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee will not allow my book to appear in this year's book fair.

Taslima Nasreen said in his comments, I am a refugee today for the politics of voting! They are condoning injustice to retain votes. The politics of the vote is defeated today! Voting politics is very bad for democracy.

About her future plans, Taslima Nasreen said that she will soon bring out the Bengali version of her controversial book Lajyam. Besides, he wants to set up a trust in India with all his money. Her trust will stand by oppressed women. At the same time, he wants to donate his huge collection of 50,000 books to various universities.

It is noted that Taslima Nasreen was staying in Europe after being expelled from her country Bangladesh for a long time. After coming to Kolkata for a few days in 2004, he had to move from Kolkata to Delhi in 2007 when a controversy broke out over his stay there.

News sources: The Hindu , The Economic Times , India Express ,

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