The Dhaka Times
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How you can reduce your electricity bill at the end of the month!

The Dhaka Times Desk Our country is a less developed country, we have a shortage of electricity, so if you are frugal in electricity consumption, at the end of the month, your electricity bill will also reduce as the country's electricity consumption decreases.


There is no alternative to reducing electricity wastage or economical use of electricity when it comes to reducing electricity bills. Today in our report comes some tips on how you can keep your electricity bill low.

Replace the old fridge

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Refrigerators consume a large portion of your home's electricity. But if the fridge gets old it consumes extra power through unwanted system losses. As a result, if you want to reduce the electricity bill, remove the old refrigerator at home.

After charging, unplug the charger from the jack


Many of us have a tendency to leave our devices plugged into the charger line even after charging! Many people think that charging is not happening, so electricity is not being used! The idea is wrong, you are not charging but it is converting the same amount of electricity from AC to DC. Therefore, from now on, open the charger of any device such as mobile, juice machine, charge light, hair dryer, etc. after charging.

Change habits, stop for a while

Image: Watching infomercials

We run TV, music system or laptop computer for entertainment throughout the day. However, one thing should be taken care of so that nothing moves. It does not stop at the meter as well as the damage to your device. Change it up a bit. Change your TV viewing habits or avoid other entertainment that uses electricity. Try to get some natural entertainment, it will reduce your electricity bill for a while and give you peace of mind.

Use of heater iron etc


Heaters or iron machines use the most electricity. However, many are forced to use heaters or iron machines if necessary. But always use in moderation. Do not leave heaters or iron machines plugged in unnecessarily. When using an iron machine, use as much as needed without overheating.

electric lamp

Energy efficient light bulb on podium

Electric lamps are very useful items for our homes and factories. Without lights we are immobile. However, it should be remembered that there are many energy efficient lamps available today. These lamps give bright light using less electricity. As a result, get used to using LED or CFL lamps that give more light with less electricity consumption without paying extra electricity bills every month.

Solar panels for personal use


Solar panel replacement for personal use is a very energy efficient system. If you want to use less electricity for personal or household appliances, then install a good quality solar panel now. Electricity bills will be reduced and proper utilization of natural energy will be ensured.

Remember there is no word above awareness to save electricity bills! If you are not aware yourself, even if you follow a thousand steps, you will not get any benefit. So be aware of using electricity, electricity is our national resource.

Source: Digitaltrends

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