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Discover the way to completely recover from diabetes!

The Dhaka Times Desk A group of scientists in the United States claims to have come very close to discovering a cure for diabetes. Initially, when this test was done on mice, the expected results were obtained.


Nowadays diabetes is a serious disease, this disease takes root in the body during childhood or youth and makes the rest of life miserable. If not properly controlled, diabetes can lead to the death of a person. Diabetes is also called polyuria. Generally, a person is diagnosed with diabetes if their pancreas cannot produce enough insulin or if the body fails to use the insulin produced. As a result, a diabetic patient has to take regular insulin to maintain the balance of insulin in the body.

This time, a group of American scientists has discovered a special treatment to eliminate diabetes, a terrible disease of the human body, by creating a special tissue cell. Researchers claim that they have succeeded in controlling glucose by transplanting stem cells into the body of mice and by doing this it is possible to completely eliminate type 1 diabetes.

According to the research report, the researchers took 'fibroblast' cells from the body of mice and converted them into endoderm cells. Endoderm cells act like the pancreas in producing insulin. In the next step, researchers call these cells PPLC. These PPLCs were injected into mice with low insulin production or type 1 diabetes.


After PPLC was injected into the body of mice suffering from type 1 diabetes, specific changes were observed. The type 1 diabetes in the body of the mice started to decrease and the necessary insulin also started to be produced. As a result, if these cells are introduced into the human body, insulin will be produced in the same process. Scientists think that it will be possible to prevent type 1 diabetes.

Source: The Guardian

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