The Dhaka Times
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Zawahiri's Audio Message: Response to 14 Parties and Hefazat Islam

The Dhaka Times Desk 14 groups and Hefazat-e-Islami have responded to al-Qaeda leader Zawahiri's audio message. The central 14 parties believe that no one in this country will respond to Al-Qaeda's call for jihad except Jamaat and their allies. On the other hand, Hefazat said, Hefazat Islam has nothing to do with that video message.

Jihad Zawahiri Message-2

In a response on Saturday, Awami League presidium member and central 14 party spokesperson Mohammad Nasim said that Al Qaeda is a militant organization. They are enemies of Islam. Mohammad Naseem also said that Al Qaeda is endangering Muslims around the world through their militant activities. Bangladesh will take a tough stand to counter their threats.

Hefazte Islam Bangladesh has nothing to do with the audio message broadcast yesterday in the name of Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri on some television and newspapers including YouTube. Amir of Hefazat Allama Shah Ahmad Shafi and Secretary General Junaid Babunagari said this in a joint statement sent to the media on Saturday evening.

The joint statement of Hefazat said, "Ayman al-Zawahiri is the leader of al-Qaeda." Zawahiri or Al-Qaeda organization is a creation of imperialist powers. Hefazat does not know who or what purpose is broadcasting this audio message. It is said that the audio message may be a new conspiracy against Muslims including the country's independence and sovereignty.

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