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A woman jailed for not returning the rented movie!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many ridiculous laws and enforcement of laws in many countries of the world. One such incident happened in the United States. A woman has been arrested and sent to jail for not returning a movie cassette rented nine years ago.


Kayla Mikhail Finley lives in Pickens, South Carolina, USA. He is 27 years old. He goes to the nearest police station with a complaint of a crime. While investigating his identity, the police found an arrest warrant in his name. This order for not returning a rented movie cassette.

Finlay rented the movie “Monsters-in-Law” from Dalton Video in 2005. But it forgets to return it. Due to which Dalton video filed a police station complaint in his name. Police said they had sent a notice. However, Finall claims he received no notice.

Check out the trailer for Finall's unreleased movie “Monsters-in-Law”:

The Dalton video that landed Finley in jail 9 years later no longer exists. Its business has long since ceased.

Finlay said he would continue the legal fight. He is angry about this incident. In his opinion, the city of Pickens deserves no better.

Finlay goes to jail for not returning a movie cassette. That too after nine years. If you have anything that hasn't been returned, please return it as soon as possible. You never know when you will be caught in a crime.

Source: CNET

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