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How to achieve the desired goal with the help of positive attitude! [Episode-1]

The Dhaka Times Desk Positive thinking or attitude (Positive Thinking & Attitude) can be considered as a special quality for any human being. He can reach the desired goal of success. Let's find out how we can reach that threshold.

Positive Thinking Strategies

On the way of life we have to face some problems every day. Just as we have to jump into the workplace to earn a living, we also have a personal life outside of it. In that personal case also we have to take some decisions as per our needs and also reject them. But our path may not always be smooth.

When we see the uneven path in life, we often get nervous, suffer from inferiority complex and reach a conclusion before doing the work, "No, this work will not be given to me", or "I can't". Many of us have faced this kind of situation more or less at some point in our life and may have lost a golden opportunity due to negative thoughts or lack of willpower. So we can develop the mentality to complete it without losing courage even if we face a difficult issue with a little effort and practice.

First of all we have to decide what we really want to do, how we can reach that desired goal and no matter how difficult it is "I have to do it" i.e. create a positive attitude. Let's focus on some positive thinking.

  • Avoiding negative thoughts and overthinking


There are many of us who before doing any job think at the beginning that this job will not be given to him. And he finds many imaginary reasons why he will not be given the job, which is not true at all. He has to think that he can do the job and he will do it.

For example, one person's clothing or posture is not the same. Some may be fat or some may be very thin or of average health. But if someone thinks that I am too fat, that I will never be able to be beautiful and attractive in health, or that I eat too much, I will not be able to cut down on food - this is a completely wrong idea. Instead, if we think like this, I will walk in a systematic way from today, follow the hygiene rules, control the diet, then that will be a positive idea. Because it develops positive thinking along with controlling positive thinking.

  • Prevention of negative attitudes and thoughts

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I have already said that negative thoughts should be eliminated from the mind. If the power of this thought does not come to his mind, then how will he conquer the world or how will he achieve his desired object!

For example, if I see a person on the street being bullied by another person or insulting someone, do I not correct him? Shouldn't I ask him why he is insulting another person like this or try to understand the whole thing?

We all are so busy in this corporate era, we see many injustices in front of our eyes, but many times we avoid the situation with the attitude of saving time or getting involved in trouble. But even if it takes two minutes, if we change our thoughts and go forward with a positive attitude to help another person, what a loss! Because a positive thinking person extends a helping hand to others before looking for other people's faults in front of his eyes.

  • love yourself


Positive Vision – It's important to learn to believe and think about this word, not just words. So you have to love yourself first. The word love comes from Sanskrit which means to find good. Instead of focusing on your flaws or shortcomings, focus on your good qualities. Broadening of thinking should be increased. I may not be able to do any work, but I have to keep the mentality that I can do it as a result of perseverance.

  • Avoid unnecessary thoughts


Sometimes it happens that we don't believe that I can't do it or that what I have done is the worst. That is, you are not satisfied with your work. It happens to everyone and it is not to blame. From your acquaintances to your superiors, even famous actors have to face such situations every now and then.

If they thought that I failed in my work and therefore will not do the work, then they could not have come to this position today. So don't get discouraged. Even if you fail yourself, convert him into strength. Do your best. If necessary, close your eyes and think of the person who robbed you of your joy, for whom you fell behind in the race of life. Learn from there and make yourself successful. Start first regardless of good or bad work or result of work. Remember you have to.

  • Blame avoiders


There is no person in the world who is perfect in everything. You have to give up the bad habit of always comparing yourself with others. If someone can do something once, you can do it on the third or fourth try. That doesn't mean you're unfit for the job. So don't get frustrated wondering why you couldn't do it in the first attempt like other people. Exercise habits should be increased and the tendency to blame oneself should be stopped. So start thinking from today, you too can. To change the country and decade, to bring the difficult tasks into one's hands.

  • Confidence should increase

Self Help

Success in anything is possible if you have self-confidence. Along with loving yourself, you should also have faith in yourself. So it is better to trust yourself than to trust others. You have to remember that Self help is the best help.

  •  Increased accountability


Many times it happens that we impose the responsibility assigned to us on someone else. Laziness can be a factor as can aversion to work. So you should do your own work. It should be done with proper attention without fuss. Not only because of your own work, if someone else trusts you and gives you a responsibility, you should also consider it as your own work. This will increase the trust of others in you.

  •  By maintaining individuality


Everyone wants to be happy in life. But that is not always possible nor is it possible for anyone to be completely happy alone. You must be compassionate towards others so you must also remember that it is not possible for you to guarantee the happiness and peace of others. So keep your individuality. The habit of following others' decisions should be abandoned. Before taking other people's advice, think for yourself and decide how useful it is for you. So keep pace with your actions and thoughts by adjusting your own actions to benefit others as well as yourself.

Dear readers, more tips on this topic are coming in our next episode “How to achieve desired goals with the help of positive attitude! [Part-2]

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