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How to achieve the desired goal with the help of positive attitude! [Episode-2]

The Dhaka Times Desk Positive attitude is very important factor for our personal life. In our previous episode about this we know Here are some tips on achieving goals with a positive attitude.


Learn how a positive attitude can help us achieve success from the tips below.

  • Evaluation of own feelings


There are many of us who see life from other's point of view rather than prioritizing our own feelings, which is not true. By doing this, they suffer from inferiority. If someone thinks you are useless, you are unnecessary, is that really you? Think for yourself once! See yourself first with your own eyes, appreciate, love. You will see that you are on the right path.

  • Learn to be generous


There are many of us who get angry and shout before listening or understanding others. But have you ever thought why you are angry? If you have the mindset to make yourself a little more tolerant, if you broaden your mind, many problems can be solved.

Sometimes if you give your favorite thing as a gift to your loved one or if you make others happy by giving more than you get, what's the problem? One day or so you get a little less. But the spiritual happiness you will get from making others happy is priceless and cannot be compared to anything else. Generosity is a noble virtue. Where by kindness you can earn the praise of others, why share the reproach!

  • Concession mentality


You have to have the mindset to give concessions. Because many of us lack it. In another way, we can think about why we want to get what is not ours or why we want to keep it! Only those who can make concessions move forward in life. Many times it happens that we worry about unnecessary things and waste time. But it will not bring anything very meaningful for us. So there must be an effort to make concessions, but it must also be remembered that one should not deceive oneself.

  • By increasing self-confidence


When loved or benefited by someone, we should thank him, we should not be squeamish about letting him know that you remember his benefit or help; Be it small or big work. People who can't accept love or gratitude are always wallowing in negativity and fear. They are also very skeptical.

So you have to learn how to satisfy yourself, you have to have a self-blessing or tidying mindset. There will be no profit or loss.

  • Forgetting past wounds

Believe yourself

It is true that just as people learn from the mistakes of the past, so too can one profit by following the traditions of the past. But the past that plunges us into despair, leaves us behind, brings the value of suffering ourselves by remembering the past. Because a positive thinking person never wants to live in darkness, he wants to run towards the light. If you try to forget the painful memories of the past and commit to making the future better now, remember that you will be the winner. Don't deprive yourself and become your own craftsman.

  • Decide what you want to do


First decide what you want, how you want it and start walking in a new way. The desired object may not be in your possession as you wish. But you can do the same thing in different ways. Do it one way or the other. If the wrong person laughs – avoiding such thoughts, you go about the task in your simplest way. Only you can. I can't, I won't - these thoughts hurt us the most.

So if you believe you can, don't lose your way, if you want to move forward, you can reach your desired goal.

Read more: How to achieve the desired goal with the help of positive attitude! [Episode-1]

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