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Gates of Hell: The Most Exciting Place on Earth [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes, despite our best efforts, scientific endeavors do not go as planned. Or sometimes a hole in the ground opens the door to an underlying hell.

Door To Hell-WM

A part of Diwaz village in Turkmenistan can literally be called the gate of hell. Because near this Diwaj village there is a 230 feet wide crater in the middle of the desert. Which is actually a vent created by natural pressure to release natural gas underground. However, people have a hand behind the creation of this irritation.

40 years ago in 1971, former Soviet scientists began drilling here to search for natural gas. But the drill machine rigs collapsed, releasing methane gas at an alarming rate. Researchers thought it would burn for a few hours, but it's still burning for 40 years.


Many tourists visit it every year, and in 2010 the President of Turkmenistan announced that the crater would be filled. But doing so could disrupt the international gas pipeline system, the declaration was no longer effective. Turkmenistan ranks fifth in the world in terms of natural gas reserves.



Below are some more pictures of the place, some of which are eerie, some of which are fiery and look like the gates of hell on earth.

This door to hell in the village of Diwaz, Turkmenistan, shows us with fingers how terrible the effects of natural forces are and how nature can destroy our human civilization in an instant with its terrible power.

Source: Huffingtonpost

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