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3,600-year-old mummy remains found covered in bird feathers

The Dhaka Times Desk Egypt means pyramids, Egypt means mummies. They appear to tell the history of ancient times. Recently in the city of Luxor, Egypt 3600 years A mummy's body (coffin) covered in old bird's feathers has been found. It is believed to be the grave of a high-ranking official.


Spanish archaeologists found it in the Egyptian Antiquities Mission. It is B.C 1600 year During the reign of the 17th dynasty of pharaohs.


The stone mortuary with sculptural ornate inscriptions is made of wood. It is very nicely decorated. The lid and sides of the mortuary are inlaid with bird feathers and inscribed in illegible script. this 7 feet 11 inches tall. According to experts it is in very good condition.


Queen Senmut's It was found in the Abul-Naga cemetery during the excavation of the tomb of Jyoti, the treasure holder. Two more empty urns were found from that place. Archaeologists believe they were stolen long ago.

Excavation of this cemetery started 13 years ago. Many artefacts of a new kingdom were discovered during that time. Also, last year, the remains of a child from the 17th dynasty of pharaohs were found.


Mummies are very helpful in learning about the ancient culture and history of Egypt. They are like puzzles. If all the mummies are found, perhaps a complete history can be written.

Source: Daily Mail

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