The Dhaka Times Desk আমাদের চারপাশের জীবাণুর হাত হতে রক্ষা পাওয়া বেশ কঠিন। যে কোন অসুস্থ্যতার জন্য জীবাণু বহুলাংশে দায়ি। তবে জীবাণু থেকে রক্ষা পাওয়ার রয়েছে সহজ কিছু উপায়।
Here are some ways to protect yourself from germs:
# Keep your towels, handkerchiefs, brushes separate.
# Keep home toilets clean and dry. Wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap after using the toilet.
# Keep the kitchen clean, clean the dishwashing area regularly and wash the sponge or sponge used for washing dishes in hot water daily.
# Keep pets in the house as clean as possible and even if kept clean, do not allow pets, dogs, cats to get on the bed or sofa.
# Make sure any food is fresh before eating. And you must boil the water and drink it. Even if the food is fresh, many times the dishes can still infect you with germs.
# Be especially careful with children. If you are taking the baby out for a long time, take his clothes, toys, extra food and drinks with him.
# Never dip bare hands into aquarium or fish tank water.
# Wash and dry in hot water every day any cloths used for housework that are used for dusting or wiping the house.
# Avoid contact with a person with a cold. Wash your hands immediately after shaking hands if necessary.
# Do not under any circumstances use cheap pavement perfumes.
# Do not spit or spit in mouth with fingers while turning pages of old papers, books.
# Do not eat open food arranged by the roadside.
If you follow the above rules, you can lead a healthy and beautiful life without germs.