The Dhaka Times
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How to protect yourself from illness in winter

The Dhaka Times Desk When winter comes, people may suffer from various diseases. Here are some tips on how to protect yourself from winter ailments.

Winter illness-1

# Must wear warm clothes in winter. In that case, wearing a special neckband, hat, gloves, shoes.

# Cold food especially cold drinks or ice cream should be avoided.

# should take a good bath regularly at a certain time. Hot water should be used if necessary.

# Dry wet hair thoroughly after showering. And hair or body drying should not be done standing under a moving fan. It should be dried for a while.

Winter illness-2

# If you have asthma, tonsillitis, sinusitis, cold, cough or screen disease problems in winter, you should follow the doctor's advice.

# Winter sunshine is sweet but it shouldn't last long.

# Many times chapped lips, ankles in winter. Petroleum jelly or glycerin can be used in case.

# should not drink too much hot tea or coffee to warm the body. To be fixed up to a certain level.

# Winter vegetables and fruits should be kept more in the food list as infection prevention. It is always better to eat food hot.

# Lotions like petroleum jelly and lubricants should be used after bathing.

Special trips are: Our social system is poor. Those who are able should alleviate the suffering of those who are suffering from lack of winter clothes by distributing winter clothes according to their ability. It is all an expression of self-consciousness.

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