The Dhaka Times Desk One of the household products of the modern age is the oven, many people use the oven to finish cooking quickly. But there are some risks in using the oven, it can even kill you and if you don't follow the right rules in cooking, the cooked food can become poison!
Cooking food in microwave oven is very easy and time consuming, people find it very convenient to use it. However, cooking and using food in a microwave oven poses special risks. Microwave ovens can harm your body and food in two ways.
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First of all the food cooked in it can turn into your food poisoning if you do not follow proper guidelines. Food poisoning happens when you cook outside the specified temperature. When cooking food in the oven, if the temperature is too high, the bacteria called 'Salmonella enferica' appears in the food. Which is enough to put your body at health risk. In the summer of 2010, 44 people in the United States alone came close to dying from the bacteria.
Later investigations revealed that all those who became ill had cooked food in a microwave oven and had not followed proper cooking guidelines. As a result, they get sick after eating the food after cooking. Everyone's body is infected with the 'Salmonella Enferica' virus.
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Also another risk in cooking food in microwave oven is cancer risk. Microwave ovens use specially heated radioactive particles to heat food for humans. Which remains in the food at the end of cooking, so these wave particles enter our body with the food. In addition, special radioactive particles are released from the microwave oven during cooking. These cells increase the number of cancer cells in the body without our understanding. Microwave oven users can develop many complications including cataracts, birth defects, weight gain, stomach and small intestine cancer. The side effects of microwave oven use are much higher in children than in adults.
Source: WHO, FDA, Safe space protection