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What causes skin disease?

The Dhaka Times Desk Skin disease is a chronic and major problem of the human body. Erosion is not easy to get rid of. This event of our health department today is to know what causes this skin disease.

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Causes of skin diseases can be divided into two categories. Namely internal and external. However, it should be remembered that just as skin diseases can be caused by internal distortions, internal distortions can also occur from skin diseases. So the causes of skin diseases are described below.


# Mechanical force such as: any pressure, friction, wounds or sores on the skin and also disease germs enter the body from which diseases such as pyoderma, candidiasis, epidermophytosis etc. are seen.

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Chemical Ingredients:

A. Strong acid or alkali, Juvenile. Petroleum and coal products.

b. Oral and topical medications such as Sulfonamides etc.

c. Allergy-causing chemicals such as: turpentine, mercury, nickel.

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# Energetic high or low temperature frostbright or chilblains in various types of light such as sunlight, X-rays, radioactive rays etc. Various types of inflammation or dermatitis eczema cancer.

# bacteria such as streptococcus, tuberculosis and leprosy bacteria cause various skin diseases.

# Animal Parasites Lice Fleas, Cockroaches, Mosquito Ticks transmit various skin diseases.

# Fungi tychophytosis, mycosperia, febus disease in dogs that can artificially induce neurosis cause dermatitis. Again, when the neurosis is cured, the skin disease gets better. It is clear from this that overwork of mental and nervous system causes many skin diseases.

# metabolism, disorders such as polyuria (diabetes) and sugary foods are not digested properly and in that case, diseases such as boils and abscesses are seen.

# Vitamin deficiency causes scurvy when the body lacks vitamin C. As a result, red spots appear on the skin. Deficiency of vitamin A causes deformation of the upper layer of the skin. Moreover, the disease called pellagra is also caused by lack of vitamin PP.

Everyone should take care that the above vitamins do not create a vacuum in the body. Moreover, it is also necessary to take special care of the body and skin. Attention should be paid to these issues. Only then you can get rid of this skin disease. But when the problem becomes obvious, a specialist must be consulted.
