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The false ideas you cherish about yourself!

The Dhaka Times Desk The human mind is unfathomable. There are often many illusions that seem real. Actually a lot of it is wrong. Your mind is lying to you. By believing these lies about yourself, you are diminishing your power.

You are living daily life with many weaknesses, many bad feelings. stop once Observe yourself. Is your perception of yourself really correct? Here are 10 misconceptions to help you out. Know and think. Which of these is holding you back?

“আমিই অনুভূতি, আমিই আমার চিন্তা”
When you are surrounded by a strong emotion it can feel like your own being. Think, I am like this. But actually it is not right. If feelings, thoughts are your being, then as soon as they are gone, your existence is supposed to disappear. Surely not?

Feelings and thoughts are much like the weather. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. They do not belong to you.

“ঝুঁকি নেওয়া যাবে না”
Naturally, people want security. You lose a lot by being safe. If something is risky, it should not be done, it is not right. We live in a changing world. No matter how much you want to avoid risk, it's not guaranteed. You have to acquire security. Or risk it. Make decisions that will put you on top.

“বস্তুগত পাওয়াই প্রকৃত সুখ”
You may think you have nothing. So you can't be happy. But know that you cannot be happy because of thinking like this. Can happiness be bought? If so, how much does it cost?

The ingredients of happiness are always free. Love, laughter, kindness, gratitude, compassion are all ingredients of happiness. These require not material wealth, but only mind.

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“সবার চেয়ে আমি ছোট”
You may think of yourself as fat, messy, fat, or stupid. Always compare yourself with others. Think, how far they are ahead of you.

Think about it, you are the only one in this world. There is no one else like you. Good and bad people. You may have something that no one else in the world has. So don't compare yourself with others. This will set you back a lot. Remember, you are the king of your kingdom.

“আমার দোষ নেই, আমি দুর্ভাগ্যের শিকার”
Stop always thinking of yourself as a victim of bad luck. Is someone else really responsible for your inner feelings? Learn to understand your faults. Confessing to yourself will increase your credibility. Be convinced to solve misunderstandings. Never a weakness, it will boost your morale.

“আমার কোন বন্ধুর প্রয়োজন নেই”
Maybe you are unhappy with your friend's actions. Maybe you think that you can live without friends, having friends is a waste of time. Actually it is not correct. Only a good friend can help you when you feel lonely, stressed, drowned in sorrow and pain. Even expressing joy requires friends. People will think you are crazy if you express happiness alone.

Feelings have to be expressed. Maybe to a friend, maybe to a lover. Maybe no one could help. But remember, you're doing yourself a big favor by expressing your feelings to someone.

“আগে পারিনি, ভবিষ্যতে কিভাবে পারবো?”
Your past may have witnessed many sorrows, hardships and failures. Therefore, the past should not be left behind. Only humans make mistakes. Then learn from mistakes. Surely you understand the mistakes you made? Try to overcome them. You made a mistake, learned from it. But you are not wrong. right?

“আমি খুব একা”
When you feel lonely, sad or hurt, think you are alone. You have no one in this world. Know that everyone in the world goes through these feelings at one time or another. So it is true that no one in the world has anyone? It's a normal feeling, don't worry.

“আমাকে উৎকৃষ্ট হতে হবে”
Such cravings will cause you many feelings including stress, depression, feeling exploited, guilt. You just keep a balance between good and bad. Your mind is great, you are great. It doesn't matter if anyone understands it or not.

“আমাকে সবকিছু নিয়ে চিন্তিত হতে হবে”
দুশ্চিন্তা সব সুখানুভূতির খাদক। যেকোন অপ্রীতিকর ঘটনায় আপনি চিন্তিত হয়ে পড়েন। এই অবস্থায় সমধান তো করতে পারবেনই না বরঞ্চ আর অপ্রীতিকর ঘটনা ঘটবে। তাই দুশ্চিন্তা না করে নিজেকে বলুন, “হলে কি হয়?”। দেখবেন, আপনার জন্য অন্য রকম এক জগত খুলে গেছে।

All these deceptions in your mind are holding you back. feel yourself Stop fooling yourself. Only then can you enjoy this life.

Thank you: MindBodyGreen

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৬, ২০১৪ 11:32 am

ABM Noorullah

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