The Dhaka Times
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Iftar at Nuhash village

Dhaka Times Desk Writer Humayun Ahmed's wife Meher Afroz Shaon broke Iftar with her sons and relatives at Nuhash Palli in Gazipur.
নুহাশ পল্লীতে ইফতার 1
Humayun Ahmed's three daughters Nova Ahmed, Sheila Ahmed, Bipasha Ahmed and son Nuhash Ahmed were supposed to participate in the iftar party organized by the Humayun Ahmed Memorial Sangsad on Thursday afternoon, August 16, but they could not attend due to 'special difficulties'. Shaon reached Nuhash village from Dhaka at noon.

Later, Shawon told reporters that Humayun Ahmed used to eat Iftar with everyone in the evening almost every day. He never liked to eat iftar alone.

Talking about Humayun Ahmed's memories of Eid, he said that on the morning of Eid, he used to take two boys by the hand to the field. Father and son wore similar clothes. Although he was indifferent about his clothes throughout the year, Humayun Ahmed preferred to wear Punjabi made of blue thread on white cloth during Eid. Shaon said that even if Humayun Ahmed is not there, he will celebrate Eid with his children in Nuhash village. "I will return to Dhaka with everyone at night. After that, I will go to Nuhash village with my two sons to celebrate Eid on the night of the moon.”

In Nuhash village of Piruzali village, everyone was busy organizing Iftari from Thursday morning. About five hundred people including Humayun's family, friends, village people participated in it. Before Iftar, Dua and Milad Mahfil are held in the open field in front of 'Bristhi Bilas' inside Nuhash Palli. Humayun's second wife Shawon's mother Tahura Ali MPO was also present in this iftar.

After the death of novelist Humayun Ahmed on July 19, he was buried in this Nuhash village on July 24. Then on August 9 in the presence of Humayun's daughters, a memorial council was formed in Nuhash village. On the same day, Nurul Amin was convened and a nine-member committee was formed.


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