The Dhaka Times
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If the price of electricity increases, the strike will be called

The Dhaka Times Desk BNP will hold a strike program if the price of electricity is increased. A party source told the media that such a decision was taken in the policy-making meeting.


BNP, the country's second largest party, has called for countering the increase in electricity prices as anti-people. Several meetings were held in the party's policy-making circles after the announcement of the power price hike this week. In the meeting, it was announced that increasing the price of electricity would be strictly resisted, identifying it as an 'anti-people' and 'unpopular' activity.

In such a situation, last night again in the BNP's policy meeting, there was severe criticism of increasing the price of electricity. It was decided in the meeting that thinking about the people, BNP will go on strike to protest this price increase. Accordingly, it has been decided that the official announcement to increase the price of electricity will actually be a strike call. Even a party source confirmed to the media that leaders and workers have been instructed to prepare for strikes in different districts and upazilas. It has even been hinted that BNP may go on strike for several days to bring this issue closer to the people.

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