The Dhaka Times
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The Girl Who Overcame Paralysis [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Two sisters named Gracie and Quancy Latowski love to dance together. No one can stop them, not even Gracie's wheelchair. 9-year-old Gracie has cerebral palsy and cystic fibrosis. Still, she loves dancing with her 11-year-old older sister. Gracie teaches us how to find the fullness of life in the midst of imperfection. He is our inspiration.


Gracie was not influenced by anyone and got on the stage by herself with her mechanical wheelchair and started dancing to the beat of the song.


They themselves like the song and dance accordingly


You will not be able to hold back the tears when you watch these children perform


Gracie's dance was to the tune of the Reflection song from the Disney movie Mulan. The audience was stunned. Some of them cry.

Watch the video

Reference: ViralNova

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