The Dhaka Times
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Spectators don't believe word of mouth: Mushfiqur vows to start T20 World Cup mission with revenge

The Dhaka Times Desk Mushfiqur's team will be looking for revenge against Afghanistan in the first match. But the audience doesn't trust the word of mouth at all.


Due to back-to-back defeats on their own soil, the audience is now unable to trust Mushfiqur's team's words. Viewers actually asked to win. Mushfiqur Rahim, the captain of the national cricket team, has fallen into such a difficult challenge.

Yesterday, he came under a lot of fire from journalists. He answered many questions. The T20 World Cup will start on March 16. Bangladesh is facing Afghanistan in the first match. It remains to be seen what they do in their first match after losing to a new team like Afghanistan. However, Mushfiqur told reporters that they want to start the T20 World Cup auspiciously by defeating Afghanistan. But no one can believe Mushfiq's words due to the sea of despair prevailing among the audience.

However, in this situation, the cricketers are desperate to overcome the disappointment in the T20 World Cup held at their home ground. Bangladesh captain Mushfiqur Rahim expressed such optimism at the first press conference of the T20 World Cup at the Home of Cricket in Mirpur yesterday afternoon. Mushfiq said, 'Our first goal is definitely to pass to the second phase. The most important is the first match against Afghanistan. We are focusing more on that match. It is natural that I will want to avenge the loss in the Asia Cup by losing them.

However, the countless viewers of Bangladesh are repeatedly saying that they believe in words rather than words. The cricketers of this country have come under such a tough test. But must wait atleast till 16th to get all replies.

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