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Know 10 advantages of Galaxy S5 that you will not find in iPhone

The Dhaka Times Desk There are two good smartphones in the competitive US smartphone market Samsung Galaxy S5 And iPhone 5s. This new version of Samsung is very nice. The Galaxy S5 will hit the US market in April.


Samsung's new version is as good as it is functional. A user of Samsung Galaxy S5 will get a lot of features which cannot be found in iPhone. Today we will present to the readers 10 things that Galaxy S5 users will not get on iPhone.


1. Samsung has a partnership agreement with PayPal. As a result, Samsung users can easily exchange money through fingerprint.


2. You can drop your Samsung Galaxy S5 in water without any problem. Because it is waterproof.


3. The camera of the Galaxy S5 is 16 megapixels. And iPhone 5S camera is 8 megapixels. Moreover, Samsung is far ahead in taking pictures of moving objects.


4. Galaxy S5 default memory capacity is 32GB. On the other hand, the iPhone has 64GB capacity. But the Galaxy S5 series can be expanded up to 128GB.


5. The Galaxy S5 brings the first HDR Live Preview to the market so users can see a preview of the photo before it is taken.


6. Galaxy S5 users can record videos in 4K resolution. Samsung launched the first UHD TV, with four times the resolution of standard HD.


7. The Galaxy S5 has added Monochrome Power Saving feature that will automatically control the battery power.


8. As soon as the user has a battery problem, he can replace it, which cannot be done on the iPhone.


9. Users can use the Galaxy S5 as a TV remote if they want. Because it has added infrared blaster.


10. The Galaxy S5 automatically adjusts contrast and color combinations when taking photos.


Galaxy S5 also comes with Download Booster which will give the user a faster internet experience. The Galaxy S5 also introduces you to MIMO (MIMO) technology which is called the fifth generation WiFi technology.

Reference: BusinessInsider

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