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Find out 8 ways technology is changing your brain for better or worse!

The Dhaka Times Desk The present time is the time of maximum excellence of technology. Technology changes the human brain. Changes our feelings, thoughts, sleep and even dreams. Let's find out eight ways technology is changing our brains.


1) Colorful dreams: Scotland in 2008 University of Dundee A study found that people over the age of 55 who watched black-and-white television had black-and-white dreams. And those who are used to watching color television have colorful dreams.

2) Fear of feeling lost:


Before Facebook or Instagram, most people spent their holidays at home hosting small get-togethers or house parties. But now they can share pictures, videos of any happy time on Facebook or Instagram. Because of this the desire to hold on to the feeling of the moment is awakened in everyone, along with the increased fear of missing out, which is called experiencing phobia.

3) Phantom vibration syndrome: This happens to many people – we subconsciously think our phone is ringing even when the call doesn't come. Computers and Human Behavior A study published in the journal Naam found that 89 percent of 290 graduate students suffered from phantom vibration syndrome. In other words, even if there is no call on the phone, you feel that the phone is vibrating.

4) Insomnia:


Using computer, laptop or iPhone at night causes insomnia. Research shows that the light from these parts interferes with our body's sleep hormones, and the brain can be confused by this light as daylight. As a result, the situation of not getting sleep at night is created automatically.

5) Loss of attention and memory loss: In earlier times people could memorize rhymes, poems or stories and recall them much later. But nowadays in the age of internet, people remember less because information is available in exchange of one click on Google. Even after the invention of social media and the internet, people have moved away from the habit of reading books.

6) Improved eyesight:


A 2013 study found that people who are used to playing first-person shooter games like Call of Duty, Halo, improve their eyesight and develop quick decision-making skills.

7) Power of motivation decreases: The same study from 2013 found that playing violent games like Halo reduces motivation. Violent games have also been found to be associated with aggression in humans.

8) New creation:


Despite all the complications, the good news is that technology has made it much easier to create works of art in creative fields. New ideas are constantly born as a result of sharing pictures, texts or videos on social sites. Contributing to movie reviews, photography on Flickr or Wikipedia – these open up new creative possibilities.

Reference: Mashable

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