The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Bangi and Sabur Sherbat

The Dhaka Times Desk As now the summer season has started. So it is necessary for everyone to eat Sharbat at this time. Today we have Bangi and Sabur Sharbat for you. Let's see how to make this Bangi and Sabur Sherbat.

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  • # Bungee 4 cups
  • # Sabudana 100 g
  • # sugar ½ cup
  • # water 2 cups
  • h3>prepared method

    First, boil sabudana in 2 cups of water. Then cut the bangi into small pieces. Now blend the bungi pieces, water and sugar in a blender. Now mix the boiled soap with the blended bangi. Now serve in a glass with crushed ice. This sherbet is also very healthy.

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