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Khaleda Zia trial begins: 'Unrest may rise in Bangladesh': BBC

The Dhaka Times Desk The news media BBC has commented that due to Khaleda Zia's case, unrest may increase in the country.

Khaleda Zia

In a report titled 'Bangladesh Opposition's Khaleda Zia Faces Corruption Trial', the BBC said that the case against BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia could increase the country's instability.

The report also says, 'The trial against the former Prime Minister of Bangladesh Begum Khaleda Zia and other opposition leaders will start from next April. By canceling the application for extension of time for the hearing, the court has already ordered to start the case work from 21 April.

In such a situation, the report commented that 'the judicial process started after the BNP led by Begum Khaleda Zia boycotted the elections of January 5, may increase the instability in the country.'

BNP-led coalition of 19 parties (previously 18 parties) started simultaneous agitation before the national elections, creating a huge unrest in the country. A deadlock was created with the communication system across the country. Elections were held on January 5 in such a situation. The current government came to power after elections that were marred by widespread violence. However, 19 parties including BNP are currently quiet after the election. Now all the well-wishers at home and abroad are wishing for a calm situation in the country again so that there is no unrest.

It is to be noted that charges have been framed in the Zia Charitable Trust corruption case against Begum Khaleda Zia and 5 other accused. In this case, Begum Khaleda Zia asked for more time, but the court rejected it and ordered that the testimony will start on April 21 in both the cases. Judge Vasudev Roy of Dhaka No. 3 Special Judge's Court gave this order last Wednesday. Through this order, the trial of both the cases started.

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