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Some natural ways to repel mosquitoes without using coil-aerosols

The Dhaka Times Desk When the hot season comes, the production of mosquitoes increases, even though mosquitoes are very small animals, they can cause the death of people. Various diseases are spread by mosquitoes. Let's find out how you can repel mosquitoes without using Coil Clingba Aerosol.


Mosquito bites can cause serious diseases like malaria or dengue. A person can die from these diseases. Therefore mosquitoes should not be treated with contempt. Apart from mosquito bites, mosquitoes disturb our sleep. We usually try to protect ourselves from mosquitoes with mosquito nets, coils, aerosols etc. However, even if the coil or aerosol repels mosquitoes, our health is extremely damaged. There are also financial issues. Let's find out how we can repel mosquitoes naturally.

1) Use of fan to repel mosquitoes


Mosquito and fan are opposite of each other. Both mosquito fans and fan fans provide air. However, since the fan air is much higher than the mosquito, the mosquito cannot keep itself floating in the air with the fan air. By doing this, the fan blades crush the mosquitoes in different directions. Mosquitoes can make very little nuisance of it near your ears.

2) Hot favorite of mosquitoes


Mosquitoes will go where the weather is a bit muggy and hot. So try to keep the house cool. If your house is cool, you can be sure that the generation of mosquitoes will be reduced.

3) Use of perfume


Mosquitoes stay away from fragrances. So, before going to sleep at night, you can put perfume, perfume or lotion on your body and go to sleep. It can be said that mosquitoes will be seen much less than usual.

4) Avoid colors that attract mosquitoes


Mosquitoes have visual powers. They are particularly attracted to certain colors, so you should avoid these colors. Mosquitoes generally like black, blue and red very much. Avoid these three colors when you go to sleep at night.

5) Lemon grass


Lemon grass is a type of plant, from these plants Citronella oil The name emits a strong aroma. This fragrance is a must for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes always avoid lemon grass. So plant lemon grass at home and stay away from mosquitoes.

6) Do not allow water to accumulate at home


Stagnant water is the main breeding ground for mosquitoes. So, check if there is any standing water around your house. Do not allow water to accumulate. Without standing water around, you can assume that mosquito breeding will be greatly reduced.

7) Garlic spray


If you do not have an infection with garlic, you can blend one part garlic with 5 parts water in a blender and spray it on the body or in the house, it will reduce the production of mosquitoes.

Today we will come with more natural tips for you, till then keep an eye out In The Dhaka Times.

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