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From now on, electrical appliances will run without wires!

The Dhaka Times Desk According to the American technology entrepreneur Witricity, in the future, the use of wireless technology in homes can be started in the same way as Wi-Fi technology.


US company Witricity Wireless Has been working on the development of electricity transmission system for a long time. Katie Hale, chief executive of this organization, said they 'Resonance' or worked on wireless resonance technology and with this technology they were able to operate various devices powered by electricity without wires. Resonance technology creates special magnetic fields instead of dissipating electricity in air. If there is another electrical receptor in that field, it will be able to draw electricity from that field to light a lamp or run a fan.

"We've been working on how to control power wirelessly for a long time," said Katie, CEO of Witricity Wireless. We have already developed a technology for this process. Our technology basically consists of a 'source resonator' or electric coil, which generates a magnetic field when electricity is applied to it. If another coil is brought near it, it generates an electric charge. And with that it is possible to run various electrical appliances.”

However, no details have been given on how the power will be safely transferred without it. Witricity Wireless says it is a completely safe method that will not cause any harm to people. They compared it to full Wi-Fi technology.

If wireless electricity is really possible, then in the near future we will see the use of wireless electricity in many other areas, including charging mobile phones in our pockets.

Source: CNN, Yahoo News

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