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Know the tips to lose fat by shedding women's health

The Dhaka Times Desk Excess health is a serious health related problem for people. There are many people in the world who are at risk of death due to their health. Today we will know about some women who have managed to throw away all their health.


Once health is increased, it is a very difficult task to reduce it. If you are suffering from health related problems, you will understand how much problems it creates in your life. There are many people who cannot reduce their health when it increases. For them today our report will bring out the before and after pictures of some women slimming down and the secret behind their slimming down.



The name of the person you see in the picture above Martha Price. He is 52 years old and has lost about 84 pounds of body fat.



You can see in the picture Michelle Fritts Ke Genie lost about 89 pounds of fat from her body! He is 25 years old.



LeAnne Richards The woman in the picture above the name is a woman who lost 90 pounds and is now completely slim. His current age is 45 years.



Maureen Albrecht This woman is working in the US police force and has lost 111 pounds of body fat.



Charlotte Siems He lost 112 pounds and is 49 years old.



40 years old Terri Fisher Having reduced his great health, he now possesses an amazingly beautiful figure. He lost 201 pounds of fat.

Now let's know how you can reduce your fat

Fat increases in a person's body mainly due to irregular eating habits. Inadequate food, too much food, junk food in modern hotels and restaurants etc. can cause a person to gain body fat. Also if you work sitting down, watch too much TV, play games, your health may increase abnormally.

The first thing you need to do if you want to lose fat is to bring your entire lifestyle into a certain frame. Eating, sleeping, exercising regularly should be done. Food habits should be reduced gradually. Do not sit at all and do light work. If you want to lose belly fat, you can jump rope daily, it is best. You need to burn 500 to 600 calories in daily exercise.

Instead of fish and meat in the food list, keep more vegetables. Eat salad, fruit juice is an effective drink. Drink a glass of lemon water every morning when you wake up. It will reduce belly fat quickly. Also drink plenty of water. Drinking more water will reduce your hunger pangs a lot.

Spices such as cinnamon, pepper, ginger and garlic help in removing belly fat. You can practice chewing ginger and garlic raw, it will reduce fat.

Follow all the above procedures, there are no chemicals or drugs to lose fat naturally. Remember that the natural way of health care brings the best results.

Source: Viralnova

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