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8 Tips for Android Smartphone Security [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk Android operating system is one of the most popular operating system today. Smartphones that run on the Android operating system are the most popular among consumers. But besides using it, it is very important to keep it safe. Let's find out how you can ensure the security of your Android device.


Just as Android is helping us in daily tasks and entertainment with the help of different smart apps, using or installing different unknown apps can cause various harmful viruses to enter your Android device. To be protected from these viruses you need to keep some things in mind, let's know them one by one.

1) Screen lock 

After work, you must lock your smartphone screen. Screen lock is the primary security feature for Android devices. Your smartphone can be in many hands. In this case, someone can understand and use it, and someone can use it without understanding. It can cause various complications of the smartphone. Maybe you have customized your smartphone in a way that someone can change the settings without realizing it. In many cases, if the phone falls into the hands of a person who can harm you, your secret things can get into his hands. So now strengthen your smartphone lock screen security with password, pin or pattern.

2) Root Android device 

Many root Android smartphones to use various unlicensed apps. Rooting means gaining root-level access to an Android device. In this you can install many apps, in this case you will not be warned about dangerous apps without your device license, at the same time you will install various harmful apps and take the device into danger. Root is done by many people who have low internal memory on their Android devices. But a non-rooted device with less memory is much safer for you. So before rooting the device definitely think and then decide.

3) Personal device for official work 

20 to 30 percent of people use their devices for official work. This is where the risk can be seen. If you're accessing official accounts or other things with your personal device, check the people you're working with at your IT firm first. See how their mentality is. This is because your personal information can be transferred from your device to the firm's various sites or via email.

4) Unknown source 

Never install or download any app from an unknown source regardless of the app. This has a high chance of damaging your device. Viruses can enter the device from unknown sources. Currently, all the dangerous malware for the Android platform are spread on various sites. Recently, a dangerous Trojan virus called Dendroid has spread in India which is damaging Android devices.

5) App Locker 

You will find many app lockers in the Google Play Store, with which you can easily lock the apps on your device. In this, no one can launch the apps you are currently using. It will keep your data safe.

6) Google's Android Device Manager

If you activate Google Device Manager, you can easily locate your device if you lose it with the help of Google Maps. At the same time, you can erase all the data on your device before it gets into the hands of bad guys. You can activate Android Device Manager by going to Settings and then Device Administrator Settings.

7) Do not keep personal data on SD card

You do not store any of your personal data on the SD memory card. It will be very easy to get all that data into someone else's hands if your device is lost. Keep all your personal data in internal memory. By doing this, you can delete it later with the Android Device Manager.

8) Encrypt device

If you encrypt your Android device, it will ask for a password every time you log off and log on, which no one but you will have. This will keep your valuable data safe. In many cases the set may be lost. In this case, if the recipient turns it on-off, it will automatically ask for the password or pin code. As a result no one can steal your confidential data from your device.

Source: India Times

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