The Dhaka Times
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Missing Malaysian plane: The mystery will remain - the whereabouts of the plane will never be found

The Dhaka Times Desk There is still no end to the case of the missing Malaysian plane that disappeared last month. It seems that the whereabouts of the aircraft will remain a mystery.


The mystery of the missing Malaysian plane may never be solved. Whales remain the cause of flight MH370's disappearance.

That sentiment was echoed by the country's comments on the eve of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak's visit to Australia to discuss the search for the plane, which has been missing for more than three weeks.

Najib Razak will meet Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott and retired Air Chief Marshal Angus Huston. He is also scheduled to visit the Joint Agency Coordination Center in Perth. The expedition is being conducted from this part.

According to the latest news, a search was conducted in an area of 2 lakh 21 thousand square kilometers of the sea on Wednesday. But it is known from media sources that the search work is being hampered due to bad weather in the sea, fog and lightning.

Note that on March 8, MH370 disappeared from Kuala Lumpur Airport in Malaysia while traveling to Beijing, China. There were 239 people on board including crew and passengers.

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