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12 easy ways to get to work on time in the morning

The Dhaka Times Desk It is important to do everything according to time in daily life. But our problem is that it often doesn't. At the beginning of the day we bumped into each other. I get late for various reasons while leaving home in the morning. By following some ways you can get the morning chores right and go to work on time.

Young man being awakened by an alarm clock

Every morning take your time and do routine things, make some changes. Let's find out how to make mornings stress-free and go to work on time.

Prepare lunch the night before:
After dinner you can prepare the next day's lunch. There will be no pressure to prepare breakfast and lunch. However, depending on the type of food, you may need to refrigerate.

Fix the clothes of the week on the closing day:
Instead of running around with clothes every day, wash and iron them on the off day. Then arrange the daily clothes separately. Keep clothes, shoes, socks, belts and other things together. It can be ready in less time.


Keep important items in lunch bag:
Sometimes we keep important items like wallet, keys, watch etc. in lunch bag. Then you just need to remember to take the lunch bag. It will be trouble free considering that.

Take a bath while brushing your teeth:
Even if it doesn't take much time, the work will be done. Finishing the bathroom work together, one side of the work is finished. You can do the latter slowly.

Cut hair in a way that takes less time to tidy up:
It is more useful for women than men. Because washing, drying, combing, etc. takes a lot of time. So you can give a haircut that can be tidied up in less time. But your taste must prevail.


Minimize care products:
If there are many types of body sprays, hair gels, creams, etc., get confused about which one to use. So reduce these items. This will save money and avoid the hassle of making decisions.

Prepare tea in flux:
You can make tea the night before or get up in the morning and keep it in flux. No need to worry after breakfast. Tea cannot be made and drunk hot. It will cool down a bit if kept in flux.

You can drink ice tea:
Although not in our country, ice tea is very popular in foreign countries. There is no heating problem, no need to add milk and sugar. Just because it's tea, you get satisfaction by drinking it. Your time will be less.

You can pack breakfast in advance:
You can keep the breakfast packed and take it while going to office. Can eat in car or office.


You can have breakfast in the office:
You can keep dry snacks in the office drawer. You can have breakfast in between office work.

Gather all the essentials the night before:
Gather everything you need to go out the night before. It will reduce stress in the morning, you can get ready safely.

Turn off the phone:
Answering calls or sending mails in the morning rush will lose your focus. So keep the cell phone off. You can turn it on again after leaving home.

Even a little time is important in this busy day. So we should utilize the time as much as possible. Therefore, it is not right to be at work all the time. You have to give yourself time too. But getting everything sorted out is rewarding.

Source: Wisebread

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