The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, April 4, 2014 Christ, 21 Chaitra 1420 Bengal, 3 submission: Suni 1435 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.
Wondering why there are so many pictures of Korla in the morning. But you may not know how beneficial this bitter gourd is. Bitter gourd provides many benefits to the human body. Since ancient times, bitter gourd has been used as medicine for diabetes, stomach gas, constipation, jaundice etc. Again, bitter gourd is very rich in terms of nutrition.
This gourd in the picture is a ripe gourd. The bird ate this gourd. Then understand that the bird also understands the benefits of eating gourds! Bitter gourd is grown in almost all regions of our country. However, in the areas where the soil is sandy, bitter gourd is more common. For example, many gourds grow in pastures. However, due to the touch of modernity, a lot of gourds are produced in lofts in our country.
May our morning be good for all. Best wishes again to all.