The Dhaka Times
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Bangladesh will export warships

The Dhaka Times Desk This time warships have come to the list of exports. It is said that these ships will be manufactured and exported abroad under the supervision of Bangladesh Navy.

Bangladesh will export warships

It is known that the list of warships that will be built includes modern petrol craft. Specific proposals have already been sent to some countries in the Middle East. These countries include Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain. The proposal given to these countries through formal letters has highlighted the issue of the ability to build warships.

Along with the proposal, samples of self-built ships have also been sent. These modern warships will be built from Khulna Shipyard. In addition to the export of warships, initiatives have been taken to reduce the import of arms into Bangladesh. Initiatives are being taken to manufacture high-quality weapons and ammunition in the country. Meanwhile, Bangladesh has achieved considerable success in manufacturing rifles, artillery shells, small arms cartridges, grenades, light machine guns, and signal pistols. Bangladesh used to depend entirely on imports for these weapons and ammunition. Now time has changed. According to the demand, the construction of these weapons is also being doubled. By doing this, thousands of crores of rupees are being saved in Bangladesh. Importing weapons from abroad has to face various problems. In addition to international hurdles, high interest rates and various conditions have to be faced in importing arms.

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