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HSC exam holding the pen in the elbow! The story of a Ruma with an indomitable will power

The Dhaka Times Desk If you want, you can bring the world in your hands. HSC candidate Ruma proved such a harsh reality. Holding a pen on both elbows, he is giving the HSC exam.


Ruma's story of achieving the impossible has been published in various newspapers and magazines. Her full name is Nurjahan Akhter Ruma. Nurjahan is the light of the financial world. And that has been proved by Nurjahan Oroy Ruma.

A small accident in his childhood changed everything in his life. But Ruma did not give in to destiny. childhood incident After falling from the roof of Nana's house, he lost both his arms up to his elbows, and all the lights of his life were almost extinguished. The force of mind and desire could not suppress him today. Brought it so far. Starting from primary to secondary school, Ruma is giving HSC exam now. Ruma is participating in the HSC examination this year from Govt Safar Ali College.


Nurjahan Akhtar Ruma is the daughter of Nurul Haque and Maryam Begum of Char village of Panchgaon under Duptara union of Araihajar upazila of Narayanganj district. As a child, while studying in the fourth standard at Panchgaon Government Primary School, while visiting his maternal grandmother's house, he fell from the roof and broke both his arms. Later, when the paralytic was admitted to the hospital, the doctors became desperate and amputated both of his arms from below the elbows. As a result, his education became almost precarious.

But Ruma, who is very focused and talented in education, continued to study. Once he learned to write beautifully by holding the pen with both hands. And that's how Ruma passed primary and one time went up to SSC and college. Ruma is giving HSC exam from Humanities Department from Ali College of Araihazaar Govt. Nurjahan Akhtar Ruma has proved that nothing is impossible for people if they have a will. Desire and determination can make people achieve many things. Ruma is a prime example.

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