The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Pancakes

The Dhaka Times Desk Pancakes are for you in today's recipe roundup. So let's know how to make this pancake.



  • # eggs 3
  • # half cup of milk
  • # flour 1 cup
  • # sugar half cup
  • A little bit of # baking powder
  • # cardamom powder little
  • # is like quantity for frying oil
  • prepared method

    First beat eggs and sugar well. Then make a mixture with flour, baking powder, cardamom powder and milk. Be careful not to make the mixture too thin or too thick. Now add a little oil to the frypan and cover it with the mixture for a few minutes. The pancake can be flipped over and served for tiffin. Pancakes are a good item for kids tiffin. When guests come to the house, arrange this pancake and serve it on the table.

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