The Dhaka Times
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Gana Jagaran Manch tension: Which way is the Gana Jagaran Manch going?

The Dhaka Times Desk The workers of Ganajagran Manch suddenly became heroes from zero. And Imran H Sarkar was in the main role as the leader of the workers. But in the last few days, he is involved in controversy in various roles. In such a situation, which way is the public awakening stage?


It is also not clear why the student gang with which he started the movement in Shahbagh suddenly had a bad relationship with them. After such an incident, another controversy has started since Imran H Sarkar talked about political parties. Because many people associated with it do not want it to be involved with politics. If you do politics, the acceptance of Ganajagran Manch will be lost.

In such a situation, tension has started between several leaders and workers of Ganajagran Manch. It remains to be seen where this tension will ultimately lead.


Perhaps the general public has nothing to do but wait to see what the end result of the movement that started one day at Shahbagh intersection with the demand for execution or trial of the war criminals.

At one time, almost everyone, regardless of party affiliation, united in the movement of the young generation, namely, the Janjagaran Mancha movement. General public supported. Because the movement there was about the trial of the enemies of the birth of our motherland Bangladesh. All but few political parties including Jamaat agreed on this issue. But it is interesting to wonder what will happen if that mass march gets swept away in political damadol.

Now there are many questions. Several questions have been raised especially about Ganajagran Manch spokesperson Imran H Sarkar. Many organizations have even suggested reforms to the Imran H government to maintain the Ganajagran Manch.

In such a situation, the future of Ganajagran Mancha cannot be said clearly. Time will tell what the end result of such a mass movement like Ganajagran Manch is going to be.

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