The Dhaka Times
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Wi-Fi internet facility is being launched in 20 BRTC buses

The Dhaka Times Desk Free Wi-Fi internet facility is being launched in 20 buses of Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) on Motijheel route from Uttara in the capital. By doing this, all the passengers in those 20 buses will get free internet facility during their journey.


A total of 20 BRTC buses on the Uttara to Motijheel route in Dhaka will be enabled from Thursday. The communication minister will officially inaugurate it Obaidul Quader and Minister of State for Information and Communication Technology Junaid Ahmed Palak. Already these buses have been named digital buses.

According to sources, each bus will have a total of 4 Wi-Fi routers, so that 40 passengers in the bus will get internet connection only if they connect themselves to any one of the routers. However, the customers have to get the router connection by taking a photo of the 10 bar code sticker on the bus. Prime Minister's Office is providing direct technical assistance in this initiative Access to Information (A2i).

According to sources, this service will be provided on the unique route of Dhaka very soon. According to a study by the Ministry of Technology, 10 percent of passengers in Dhaka city use smartphones. As a result, if you get this Wi-Fi facility, a large part of you can use the Internet to complete the necessary work on the way.

Besides, each bus will have vehicle tracking technology, in which the passengers will also know where the bus is at the moment. BRTC authorities will also get specific idea about buses.

associated with the project Naimuzzaman Pearl He said, "With this initiative of the government, the people of the country will be more interested in using technology and internet. They will also be able to use the time of the current journey, which will further advance the country on the path of digital activities. By doing this, the government's dream of Digital Bangladesh will go one step further.”

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