The Dhaka Times
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Traffic congestion on the highway: but the capital is still empty!

The Dhaka Times Desk The capital is still empty even though the highways are congested. This Saturday morning, visiting different areas of the capital, it was seen that the mood of Eid is still not over. The streets are empty.

Highway traffic

It was thought that the excitement would return to the capital on Friday due to the return of people back home, but it is not yet visible. Although the private offices are fully open, the government offices will start tomorrow from Sunday. That is why the main main roads of the capital are still completely empty. It seems that the mood of Eid is not over yet.

However, railway stations including Gabtali, Mohakhali and Syedabad bus terminals and Kamalapur were overcrowded. Buses and especially trains were overloaded yesterday and today. A large number of people were seen hanging from the roof and the handle of the train.

There was no traffic jam on long-distance roads from morning till noon yesterday. Savar Baipail Chandra to Tangail, which is known as the most congested area during Eid, had no traffic jam from morning till noon. These roads were completely empty. Those who left from the northern region in the morning reached the capital Dhaka in the afternoon or afternoon. But those who have left after noon are under the grip of traffic jam. Around 25 kilometers of traffic jam has been created on the Tangail highway since afternoon. And those who come today will also have to suffer from this traffic jam. However, the highways are expected to be free of traffic again from tomorrow Sunday.

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