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Ferrari is entering the hotel business!

The Dhaka Times Desk Ferrari ranks among the world's most expensive car manufacturers. That Ferrari is now coming to the hotel business. There is also a wonderful theme park.


Ferrari has entered the field with a big plan for hotel business. Their first hotel and second theme park are going to be built in Port Aventura, Barcelona, Spain.

The hotel will be modeled after Ferrari's iconic car, Ferrari Red. It will have 250 rooms. There will be many restaurants. There will be driving simulators where you can drive in an imaginary way. Most attractive will be the huge pool in front of it. Travelers will be eager to swim in it.


Along with this there will be a theme park. Ferrari named their project Ferrari Land. It will be designed with travelers of all ages in mind. It will have Europe's tallest and fastest roller coaster. It will have all the ingredients to make you happy.


Ferrari's first theme park is Ferrari World. It was created in 2010, in Abu Dhabi. It is the largest indoor amusement park in the world. According to Ferrari, Barcelona's hotel and park, Ferrari Land, will open by 2016.

Ferrari has long reigned supreme in the world of cars. Now they want to expand their business. With the expansion of the tourism industry in Europe at the present time, hotels and parks are very promising sectors for investment. This is the decision of Ferrari.


After this announcement by Ferrari, not only the car lovers, but also the general tourists are waiting for its launch. One has to wait till 2016 to visit this wonderful 'Ferrari Land'.

Source: businessinsider

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