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NASA research: Saturn's moon Enceladus is blowing the sea!

The Dhaka Times Desk At various times, NASA has reported that water has so far been found on some planets in the solar system outside of Earth. Now the name of Saturn's satellite Enceladus has been added to that list.


Wherever there is water, the chances of life developing will increase. At various times space scientists have been saying that they have found the existence of water on other planets of the solar system outside of Earth. After analyzing the images and videos sent by NASA's space probe Cassini, NASA scientists say that there is an ocean about 10 kilometers deep on Saturn's moon Enceladus. The extent of this sea covers an area of about 30 to 25 km.

Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system located at a distance of 1.3 billion kilometers from the Sun. And one of the satellites of Saturn is Enceladus. NASA's Cassini space probe has sent several images and data from Saturn. Analyzing these images, researchers say that there is a huge ocean flowing under the ice on Enceladus. Earlier, NASA research showed signs of water vapor in the sky of Enceladus!

Already, this sea of Enceladus has created a stir among space scientists. It shows the vast ocean and the salt and organic compounds in the area's weather. These signs provide a logical explanation behind the development of organisms.

However, it has been said on behalf of NASA, "The existence of life here is not yet confirmed, research is underway. Life may or may not exist here. But it also said that new spacecraft will be sent there for more detailed research.”

Source: The Tech Journal

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