The Dhaka Times
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Bomb blast in Sherpur: No one injured

The Dhaka Times Desk A bomb blast took place in Sherpur on Monday night. But no one was injured. A powerful bomb exploded in Kakali Market on Shaheed Bulbul Road, the heart of the district city.


A watch shop named Habib Watch Co. in that market suffered extensive damage in this bomb blast. The bomb was thrown from a motorcycle of two riders coming from the south side of Shaheed Bulbul Road and speeding towards the north. It is known that the bomb was targeted at Habib Watch Co. in Kakali Market, witnesses said. After hitting the bomb, the bomb exploded with a loud noise and the place became dark with smoke. People in and around the market started running in different directions.

On receiving information, the police reached the spot and seized a bomb sprinter, steel box, two pencil batteries and several bomb evidences from there. The leaders of Sherpur Chamber and Commerce inspected the spot and strongly condemned the incident and demanded the quick arrest of the culprits. do

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