The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Labang (Sorbet)

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's recipe roundup has Labang (Sherbat) for you. As it is getting hot now, this sorbet item is a very necessary item. So let's know how to make this labang or sherbet.



  • # sweet curd half a kg
  • # sugar 1 cup
  • # Some amount of garam masala
  • # is the same amount of salt
  • # field size
  • prepared method

    First, mix sweet curd, matcha, garam masala, sugar, salt according to quantity and keep for half an hour. Then blend it in a blender. Now the clove syrup is ready. Now decorate the table and serve. Since it is easy to make, you can serve this labang sharbat instead of regular sharbat when guests come during summer.

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