The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Kashmiri Polao

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's recipe for you: Kashmiri Polao. Learn how to make this item a little more unique.

Kashmiri Pulao


  • # Polao Rice 1 Kg
  • # half cup chopped onion
  • # ghee 1 cup
  • # condensed milk 1 cup
  • # Malai 1 cup
  • # cashew nuts half cup
  • # ½ cup carrots (cut into small cubes)
  • # cinnamon 5 pieces
  • # half cup of pistachios
  • # cardamom 7
  • # Raisin Quarter Cup
  • # groundnuts ½ cup
  • # saffron half teaspoon
  • # rose water 1 tbsp
  • # lemon juice 2 tbsp
  • # sugar 2 tsp
  • # Almond-Cashew Bata 2 Tbsp
  • # hot water is 6 cups
  • # is the same amount of salt
  • prepared method

    First, mix milk, pistachio-almond-cashew nut batter, saffron, rose water together. Wash the rice and soak it for 20/25 minutes and drain the water. Fry pistachios, almonds, cashews, raisins in ghee. Now fry the onion with hot ghee and keep it aside. In the same way as Polao, fry the rice with ghee, add cinnamon, cardamom and carrot and fry it for a while and then add water. Then add salt and lemon juice when it boils.

    Now when the water of rice reduces, keep it for a while with milk, almond batter mixture. After 20/25 minutes fry the malai, some raisins, cashews, pistachios, almonds and simmer for 15 minutes. Kashmiri polao is done.

    Now sprinkle the remaining raisins, cashews, pistachios and almonds on top and arrange in a serving bowl and serve.

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