The Dhaka Times
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4 students missing from St. Martin island are still not found

The Dhaka Times Desk 4 students who went missing while bathing on the island of St. Martin are still not found. The rescue operation has been going on for the last two days. A special team of the Navy is also participating in this rescue operation.


A search for 4 students of Ahsan Ullah University of Science and Technology in Dhaka was conducted, but no trace of them was found even in 24 hours. After bathing in the island of St. Martin, they disappeared into the sea.


Those university students went to Cox's Bazar to celebrate Bengali New Year. 9 students were washed away due to strong current after entering the sea last Monday afternoon. Out of these 5 people were rescued and two of them died in the hospital. The Coast Guard and local administration are working under the leadership of the Navy to rescue the 4 students who were swept away. But so far no trace of them has been found.

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