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South Korean ferry with about 500 passengers sinks

The Dhaka Times Desk A South Korean ferry carrying 475 passengers and 150 heavy vehicles capsized in the sea 60 km off the Korean island of Jeju. Reuters quoted Korean officials as saying that two dead bodies were found in the accident until the last news.


The 6,825-tonne ferry departed from the western port of Incheon on Tuesday evening, bound for the southern tourist island of Jeju. The ferry capsized off the coast of Bayungpung Island after traveling 20 kilometers. Most of the ferry passengers were school students. The cause of the ferry's sudden capsize is yet to be ascertained.

One hundred and sixty-one passengers were rescued out of about five hundred passengers on the ferry when it sank. Among these passengers, more than 100 passengers are school students. A large fleet has been dispatched to rescue the ferry and preparations are underway to launch a massive naval and air rescue operation. Many passengers are still missing.

Meanwhile, South Korea's Vice Minister for Security and Civil Administration Lee Gyeong-og told a press conference in Seoul, the country's capital, "161 people have been rescued so far in the ferry accident. The rescue operation is underway, and is being intensified. Since most of the passengers are school students, the Seoul government is extremely concerned about the disappearances. Maximum steps will be taken to rescue them."

Korean authorities have confirmed two deaths so far, and authorities are holding the bodies of the victims. More than 50 ships and helicopters reached the spot to rescue the passengers.

Source: Reuters

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