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Goats have excellent problem-solving skills and long-term memories!

The Dhaka Times Desk Goat is a domesticated animal since ancient times. Goats are raised for milk, meat, wool and leather. These animals are curious and intelligent. A new study shows that goats have excellent problem-solving skills and long-term memory. They can learn many difficult tasks.


of London Queen Mary A group of researchers from the University's Agricultural Science Institute began researching the intelligence and memory of goats. For this they collected 12 goats of different ages. For intelligence tests, they tried to teach goats to retrieve food from a box using a lever by mouth. They repeated the task the first time after one month and the next time after ten months for the memory test. After the trial period, they found that 9 out of 12 were doing the job correctly.


Assistant researcher of this experiment Dr. Alan McElligott Very happy with their experimental results. According to him, the idea that goats are not intelligent animals is wrong. They have the ability to do complicated and difficult tasks and they can remember them for a long time.

Principal Researcher By Dr. Elodie Briefer According to them, their task at ten months indicates both learning speed as well as long-term memory. Another interesting fact is that goats that were not trained learned the task just as quickly as they watched others train them.

Check out Goat's success in research here

In our country goats are thought to be stupid animals and this poor thing is used for abuse. A fool is called a 'goat'. But after this research result they have to find another animal name.

Source: thetechjournal

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