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Here are some beautiful pictures of Miracat, the animal friend of man, taken with photographer Lucas

The Dhaka Times Desk UK wildlife photographer Will Barnard Lucas photographed with some Miracats in the Makgadkigadi area of Botswana, Africa. Looking at the pictures, it looks like Lucas is a friend of the Miracats.


The Meeracat is a type of wild cat in Africa that looks a lot like a baboon. Lucas spent six days with the Miracats and their families to capture these images. Miracats' babies are growing day by day, along with their curiosity. They started fiddling with Lucas's camera every now and then trying to figure out how it worked.


As young children play with new toys. Their family members began to mingle with Lucas on the path shown to them. At some point in the mix they would climb onto Lucas' shoulders and look to the horizon to see if there was any danger coming their way.


This behavior of meerkats seems to have been known to humans for a long time. They have no enmity with humans. They do not hesitate to make friends with people. Rather, it is more convenient to stand on people's shoulders and look at the horizon.


Miracat can stand on two legs. They are burrowing animals. Family lives in pits. If you ever see them in the African wilderness, you don't need to be alarmed, says Lucas. Because they will be by your side like your friend.


Bernard Lucas is a professional wildlife photographer. who has been working as a photographer in African forests for several years. He is also working on the development of photography technology. He created the Beetlecam to take dangerous pictures in the African jungle. This is a remote control bug type DSLR camera. Founder of a company called Camtrapson Limited.

Reference: Borpanda

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