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See 10 amazing places in the world that will blow your mind

The Dhaka Times Desk The description of the shape of the earth cannot be finished, in the evolution of thousands of years and the decoration of nature, the various places of the earth have been decorated in extraordinary forms. Today we will see some places where you can't close your eyes when you go or see them.


Today we will bring you 10 places from among the many countries of the world. These places are so beautiful to look at that you will think that someone has painted and crafted these places.

1) Tulip garden


This is the famous tulip field in the Netherlands. Tulips are cultivated here for miles. These flowers are of different colors. As a result, the color spectrum will appear from above.

2) Hitachi Sea Side Park


Many people don't know about Hitachi Seaside Park in Japan. But it is one of the most beautiful places in the world. The entire area is made up of 190 hectares of land. Different flowers of the world including tulips are cultivated here. Which adds to the look and feel of the Hitachi C Side Parka.

3) Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia


This is Bolivia's famous salt lake. It is the largest salt crystal lake in the world. This is the breeding ground for the largest number of pink flamingos in the world.

4) Red Beach, Panjin, China


This place is famous as the red beach of China. It is located in the Panjing region of China. Here the beach is covered with a wonderful red algae. What you see will blow your mind.

5) Bamboo Gardens, Japan


Japan's bamboo plantations are world famous. Rows of bamboo here will fill your mind. At the same time, these bamboos are cultivated in such a way, you can understand how planned and arranged. It is considered a park as well as a bamboo plantation.

6) German cherry blossom


As you can see in the photo above, the cherry trees that line both sides of the road in an urban area of Germany look beautiful when they bloom. It will give you the feeling of a piece of paradise in the middle of the city.

7) Wisteria flower tunnel


In Japan there is a tunnel created under the shade of Wisteria flowering trees. The entire garden has tunnels above it with walkways and chairs for people to rest. When Wisteria blossoms on these trees, this place emerges as one of the most attractive places in the world.

8) Tea garden


China's tea gardens or Fields of Tea are world famous. For its exquisitely arranged form. The tea plants in this garden are so neat that you can't help but be amazed when you go here.

9) Lake Hillier


It is a famous lake in Australia, you must be surprised by the color of the water here? Yes reader, the water of Lake Hillier in Australia is naturally pink! It was first discovered in 1802.

10) Zhangye Danxia Landform


One cannot help but marvel at the Zhangye Danxia Landform Mountains in China. Here are numerous mountains, one by one. You can't help but be captivated by these mountains.

Dear reader, that's all today, I will appear with the introduction of many more beautiful aesthetic places in the future. Until then stay with The Dhaka Times.

Source: Where cool things happen

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