The Dhaka Times
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Jamaat is also worried about Delaware Hossain Sayedi's verdict

The Dhaka Times Desk Jamaat-e-Islami leader Maulana Delawar Hussain Saeedee's verdict any day. In such a situation, the policy makers of Jamaat-e-Islami are under a lot of pressure.


It is known from the party sources that there is a lot of disagreement between them about what kind of program they can give after the verdict of Saeedee. Because the previous situation and the current situation are completely different. After the present government came to power, even after the verdict in Nizami's arms case, such a situation arose. They could not go on strike the day after the verdict. After a day they had to go on strike. Again, no party influence was seen in the strike that took place. It seemed that the Daisara group was going on strike.

But today the situation is completely different. Maulana Delawar Hussain Saeedee's verdict will be at any time. But what will be the verdict and what will be the decision of the party is their concern.

This is the concern of their Jamaat about the judgment of the appeal case of accused Saeedee who was sentenced to death for crimes against humanity during the liberation war. The top leaders of the party are afraid that the death sentence given by the tribunal will be upheld.

If the death sentence given by the tribunal is upheld in the appeal, then the party is also preparing to show a strong reaction in the post-judgment period. However, it seems that they will give the program after thinking a lot. The reason for this is that Jamaat-e-Islami is already going to be banned. And so in such a situation everything can be done with thought.

But it will be finally known after the announcement of the verdict. There is a lot of concern about the judgment of Delwar Hossain Sayedi not only among the party members but also among the countrymen. This doubt is in the public mind due to the fear of hartal program and violence if the verdict is passed.

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