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Medical science is moving forward: broken hearts can be repaired by spraying!

The Dhaka Times Desk Medical science is advancing day by day. Now the news has come out through the spray-patch technology can connect broken hearts! With this, heart attack patients no longer have to wait for a donor heart.

চিকিৎসা বিজ্ঞান এগিয়েই যাচ্ছে: স্প্রে করে জোড়া দেয়া যাবে ভগ্ন হৃদয়! 1

According to the news, the 10,000 volt 3D electric sprayer will repair the wounds of the heart by throwing live heart cells. This 'spray-patch' technology may be doctors' last hope to heal heart lesions caused by heart attacks. When a heart attack occurs, some cells in the heart die. Even if the patient recovers later, those dead heart cells do not heal but the wound remains. Later, the dead part of the heart can obstruct blood circulation in the heart. Because of this, many people suffering from heart attack suffer from chronic heart problems. British Heart Foundation scientists are researching the technology of throwing living heart cell paint into the heart to solve the problem of chronic wounds. It may be possible to repair wounds inside the heart using this technology.

It is known that the bio-electric heart cell spray machine was made by mechanical engineer Dr. in a laboratory in London. Sean Jayasinghe. First, live heart cells are taken with the needle of a spray machine. The heart cells are then sprayed from the spray machine into the damaged part of the patient's heart. But the heart cell spray machine isn't as perfect as graffiti artists' spray cans. The needle of the machine is electrified with an electric field of 10,000 volts to deliver the heart cells to the perfect target.

About this treatment, scientist Anastasia Stefano said, 'We hope that this technology can increase the performance of the damaged heart. Our main goal is to use this technology to completely heal the damaged heart, so that heart attack patients do not have to wait for a donor heart.' Scientists hope that in the future, it will be possible to collect liver cells from the patient's heart and grow them in biotechnological methods for spray machines.

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