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Sea red crab

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Wednesday, 30 April 2014 Christ, 17 Baisakh 1421 Bengal, 29 Jama: Sani 1435 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Red crab

By looking at the picture, you can understand that it is a picture of a red crab. This red crab is found in the sea area. This crab is very beautiful to look at.

There are many crabs in ponds or ponds in our country. But these crabs do not look red. Crabs are light brown in color. However, these crabs of the sea region create an exceptional beauty. It is very beautiful to see thousands of red crabs in the sea area.

An island rising in the Bay of Bengal about 30 km southeast of Kuakata in Patuakhali district is called 'Char Tufania'. So far there has not been much human settlement. There is only dense greenery. You will see countless flocks of red crabs under this tree.

Due to increased human traffic, the habitat of these red crabs is now under threat. The island needs to be declared a sanctuary under the Wildlife Conservation Act. By doing this, the habitat of the red crab will be safe, and an opportunity will be created for tourists to travel to the designated places of this island.

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